Throughout the country, 275 thousand 556 real estate sales transactions were carried out in July, and ₺4 billion 476 million 606 thousand 777 title deed fee income was obtained.
According to the information obtained from the officials of the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, 275 thousand 556 real estate sales transactions were made in July.
₺4 billion 476 million 606 thousand 777 title deed fee income was obtained from these sales transactions.
106 thousand 701 of the transactions were residences, 49 thousand 35 were land, 87 thousand 414 were fields, 10 thousand 898 were workplaces and the rest were the sale of other immovable properties.
Sales increased by 32% compared to the previous month
The transactions recorded in July increased by about 32% compared to the month of June, when 208,424 real estate sales were made.
The province where the most real estate was sold was Istanbul with 26 thousand 756 transactions.
Ankara was followed by Ankara with 16 thousand 688 sales, Izmir with 12 thousand 139, Konya with 10 thousand 50, Bursa with 9 thousand 675 and Antalya with 8 thousand 775, Gaziantep with 7 thousand 176, Tekirdag with 7 thousand 135, Balikesir with 7 thousand 110 and Mersin with 6 thousand 402.
Source: Trthaber / Prepared by Irem Yildiz