
Hepsiburada Appoints Mikheil Lomtadze as New Chairman Following Acquisition by

Following the completion of Hepsiburada’s acquisition, the company has appointed its new Chairman of the Board. After the majority stake of Hepsiburada was officially transferred to, an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting was held on January 31, 2025. As a result, Mikheil Lomtadze was named the new Chairman of Hepsiburada.

Mikheil Lomtadze shared his thoughts on his new role at Hepsiburada, stating:

“We founded with the mission of developing innovative, life-enhancing, and world-class digital services to improve people’s daily lives. Today, we continue to build our services as if we are creating them for our own families, friends, and loved ones, ensuring that those around us take pride in what we do. I extend my gratitude to Hepsiburada’s founder, Hanzade Dogan, for her trust and friendship, and I wish her success in her future endeavors.”

Lomtadze also highlighted the immense potential of Türkiye, emphasizing its population of over 85 million, strong entrepreneurial spirit, and deep-rooted trade culture. He stated that these factors create an excellent foundation for Hepsiburada’s long-term success in the future.

Source: Bloomberght/ Prepared by: İlayda Gök

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