Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) announced the July 2020 housing price index (KFE) data. The house price index reached 141.4 in July, with a monthly increase of 1.4 percent and an annual increase of 25.8 percent.
Housing price index is calculated in order to examine the price changes that are free of quality impact by gradually controlling the features of the houses in Turkey.
In July, KFE increased by 1.4 percent compared to June and reached 141.4. KFE increased by 25.8 percent compared to the July 2019, also increased by 12.6 percent in real terms.
Considering the developments in the housing price indices of 3 major cities, an increase of 1.3 percent was observed in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir in July compared to June.
Index values respectively increased by 22.5 percent, 25.3 percent and 28.6 percent in Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir compared to July 2019.
source: AA / translated by Melisa Karayusufoglu