
Store turnover increased by 10% with FLO Digital

Digitizing all of its sales processes, FLO increased its store turnover by approximately 10%.

Burak Aktas, FLO Information Technologies and Logistics Deputy General Manager, said, “Thanks to our FLO Digital application, we have achieved significant results that increase the turnover of our stores. We are implementing projects that will lead the sector.”

FLO Digital was launched as a mobile app that was developed in-house so that store employees can carry out their work more easily, faster and more efficiently. Burak Aktas said that they are trying to take advantage of the opportunities provided by technological developments in a way that will lead the sectors.

Stating that today, stores go far beyond being just places where a product is physically purchased and exited, Aktas said, “We are implementing projects that will lead the sector in order to strengthen our Omni-Channel structure.” Stating that they are with the store employees whenever they need them through this app, Aktas said, “With FLO Digital, our employees can instantly inquire about the stock of a product that the customer wants in their own store and in nearby stores. They can also print the product label on mobile.”

Source: Sabah / Translated by Irem Yildiz

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