
The Turkish marble industry wants to export more processed products

Erol Efendioglu, President of the Maden Marble Producer and Industrialist Businessmen Association, said, “In the past, marble factories were built for the processed product as 3 thousand square meters. Now, 30 thousand square meters of marble factories are being established in cities such as Burdur, Isparta and Afyonkarahisar. Not just one, but dozens. This shows that we will export much more processed products than the block in the coming years. After China, Turkey is the country that provides the most processed products to the largest projects around the world. There are very good developments in this regard. After 4-5 years, we will be much more successful worldwide in processed marble.”

Erol Efendioglu, President of the Mining Marble Producer and Industrialist Businessmen Association, pointed out that the “processed product factories” in the provinces where marble is extracted are increasing day by day, “Turkey is the country that provides the most processed products to the biggest projects all over the world after China. There are very good developments in this regard. After 4-5 years, we will be much more successful worldwide in processed marble.”

Efendioglu told Anadolu Agency (AA) that Turkey’s exports of mining products reached $1 billion 527 million 312 thousand with an increase of approximately 26% in the January-March period.

Erol Efendioglu stated that they started 2022 without hope due to the developments around the world, but the first quarter data made them very happy.

Stating that this increase in the winter period gives hope that exports will gain more momentum in the other months of the year, Efendioglu continued his words as follows:

“We continue on our way by increasing our exports every year. In 2020, our total mineral exports were $4 billion 270 million. In 2021, we increased this to $5 billion 930 million. Despite all the negative conditions such as war and crisis, Turkish mining was very successful in the first quarter of 2022. I hope this will increase even more over the years. By the end of the year, Turkish mining will achieve its export targets.”


Erol Efendioglu stated that they managed to increase their marble export, which was $1 billion 736 million in 2020, to $2.1 billion in 2021.

Stating that last year, block marble exports increased from $1.05 billion to $1.3 billion with an increase of 23.80% compared to 2020, Efendioglu reminded that the export of processed marble reached $800 million from $678 million with an increase of 18%.

Efendioglu emphasized that when they looked at the performance in the first quarter of this year, they predicted that the marble exports of the sector would increase significantly, and said:

“Our marble industry has made a serious breakthrough in the recent period. In the past, marble factories were built as 3 thousand square meters for processed products. Now, 30 thousand square meters of marble factories are established in cities such as Burdur, Isparta and Afyonkarahisar. Not just one, but dozens of them. This shows that we will export much more processed products than the block in the coming years. We used to care about this issue, now we have reached those days. This makes us very happy. These factories work with very modern technologies. Products such as columns, columns, coatings and flooring are emerging. After China, Turkey is the country that provides the most processed products to the largest projects around the world. There are very good developments in this regard. After 4-5 years, we will be much more successful worldwide in processed marble.”

Efendioglu stated that they took the leadership in block marble exports from Italy and Spain in 10-11 years.

Pointing out that they dominate the market over $1 billion with serious competition, Efendioglu said, “Our main goal is to be much more successful in processed products than in blocks.”

Source: Sabah / Translated by Irem Yildiz

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