
Turkish Students Innovate: From Plastic Caps to Exported Board Games

Explore how students from Eskişehir Organized Industrial Zone Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School’s Zero Waste Club repurposed water bottle caps to create engaging board games, showcasing the power of recycling and environmental education.

In an inspiring display of creativity and environmental stewardship, students from the Eskişehir Organized Industrial Zone Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School’s Zero Waste Club have turned ordinary water bottle caps into innovative board games. Under the mentorship of Ali Yar, a mechanical department teacher, and with the support of School Principal Bülent Seğmen, 35 dedicated students embarked on this recycling journey. Their project not only underscores the importance of recycling and waste management but also marks the school’s first foray into international exports,with 50 game boards made from recycled materials sent to a competition in Romania.

From Concept to Reality: The Journey of Recycling

The project began with the Zero Waste Club’s initiative to collect plastic bottle caps, a common yet often overlooked item in terms of recycling potential. The school, known for its focus on machine design technology, automation, electrical and electronics, metal technology, and plastic technology, provided the perfect backdrop for this innovative endeavor. Principal Seğmen highlighted the school’s holistic approach to education, emphasizing not just academic knowledge but practical experience and environmental consciousness. The process involved using the collected caps to create the boards and beads for the board games, thereby transforming waste into a valuable educational tool.

International Recognition and Export Success

What started as a local recycling project gained international attention when the school decided to export 50 of these board games to a competition in Romania. This decision was not only a testament to the quality and ingenuity of the students’ work but also marked the school’s entry into the realm of international exports. The collaboration with the World Kumalak Federation, which initially suggested using metal for the game boards, resulted in a shift towards using plastic upon the school’s recommendation. This pivot not only aligned with the zero waste principle but also showcased the school’s commitment to promoting environmental sustainability on a global scale.

A Model for Environmental Education

This project serves as a shining example of how environmental education can be integrated into the curriculum in a way that is both engaging and practical. By involving students in the entire process, from collection and design to production and export, the school has created a model that other institutions can follow. Moreover, this initiative illustrates the potential of recycling and waste management to not only protect the environment but also provide valuable learning experiences and open up new opportunities for students.

As this innovative project from Eskişehir demonstrates, the journey from collecting simple plastic caps to creating board games that cross borders is not just about recycling. It’s a story of creativity, collaboration, and environmental responsibility. By turning waste into a resource, these students have shown that with the right approach, even small actions can have a big impact. Their success serves as an inspiration to others and a reminder of the potential that lies in reimagining what we consider waste.

Source: bnnbreaking

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