
UAE FNC Advocates AI Support for Startups and Strengthened Public-Private Partnerships

Financing, marketing assistance, and technical support mulled for start-ups as well

The Federal National Council (FNC) on Wednesday adopted a set of recommendations during the discussion of the government’s policy regarding artificial intelligence (AI).

They called for establishing a unified platform for sharing open data between government and private institutions and empowering entrepreneurs and startups in the field of AI by providing financing, marketing assistance, and technical support.

Furthermore, they advocated for strong partnerships between the public and private sectors for research and development in AI, which will positively impact the implementation of the outputs of the artificial intelligence strategy and the country’s standing in the Global Artificial Intelligence Market Report, as well as the application of quality measurement indicators for government services based on artificial intelligence applications to measure the efficiency of services provided to citizens.

The third meeting of the second ordinary session of the 18th legislative chapter of the FNC was chaired by its Speaker Saqr Gobash. Omar bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy, and Remote Work, attended the session.

The recommendations emphasised the importance of reviewing the relevant legislations on technical aspects and data protection to encompass the concept of artificial intelligence and the developments it is witnessing.

The recommendations also stressed the importance of establishing legislation that regulates the governance of government data in terms of classification, storage, exchange, privacy, and optimal utilisation of data available from data providers, in a way that strikes a balance between the dissemination and exchange of information and maintaining its confidentiality and privacy.

Al Olama reviewed the stages of the artificial intelligence strategy and the government’s digital transformation in the UAE, noting that the country’s efforts began in 2002.

He added that the implementation of the artificial intelligence strategy is based on eight objectives built around three primary pillars, executed over three phases: establishing a strong foundation for artificial intelligence, adopting AI activities and initiatives, and leading the sector globally,with each phase lasting between three to four years.

The minister stated that the first phase focuses on attracting and training talent for future jobs that artificial intelligence will enable, featuring a specialised training programme managed by the National AI Programme in the UAE in collaboration with the University of Oxford.

This programme targets employees of the UAE government, private sector employees, and residents, aiming to empower officials and assist them in acquiring the necessary skills to contribute to the UAE’s journey towards achieving the goals of the UAE Vision 2071.

Source: gulfnews

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