
Sharp Decline in Turkiye’s Natural Gas Imports in April

Import Levels Drop Nearly 40% While Domestic Consumption Rises

Turkiye’s natural gas imports plummeted by 39.8% in April compared to the same month last year, totaling approximately 2.395 billion cubic meters, according to the Energy Market Regulatory Authority’s (EMRA) “Natural Gas Market Sector Report.” The report reveals that 1.958 billion cubic meters were imported via pipelines, while 437.025 million cubic meters were acquired through liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities.

This significant drop from last April’s 3.982 billion cubic meters highlights a shift in the country’s energy dynamics. The highest volume of natural gas imports came from Azerbaijan at 1.077 billion cubic meters, followed by Iran with 543.099 million cubic meters, and Russia with 413.024 million cubic meters. Additionally, 362.093 million cubic meters of LNG were imported from Algeria during this period.

Despite the reduction in imports, domestic natural gas consumption rose by 3.8% year-on-year in April, reaching 4.081 billion cubic meters. Industrial sector consumption saw a notable increase of 24.5%, amounting to 1.001 billion cubic meters. However, natural gas usage in electricity generation plants decreased by 33.8%, dropping to 403.080 million cubic meters. Residential consumption surged by 24.9%, reaching 1.959 billion cubic meters.

In terms of storage, Turkiye’s natural gas reserves decreased by 11.1% compared to April last year, totaling approximately 3.856 billion cubic meters. Of this, about 3.681 billion cubic meters are stored in underground facilities, with the remaining 175.027 million cubic meters held in LNG terminals.

Source: Trthaber / Prepared by Irem Yildiz

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