Overseas Producer Price Index (YD-PPI) increased by 0.45% on a monthly basis and by 32.13% on an annual basis in May.
Turkish Statistical Institute announced the YD-PPI data for May.
Accordingly, there was a monthly increase of 0.45% in YD-PPI in May, 32.13% compared to the same month of the previous year, 9.23% compared to December of the previous year and 67.27% compared to the 12-month averages.
Looking at the annual changes in the two sectors of the industry, there was an increase of 26.05% in mining and quarrying, and an increase of 32.24% in manufacturing.
Considering the annual changes of the main industrial groups, an increase of 30.05% in intermediate goods, 39.88% in durable goods, 36.35% in non-durable goods and 39.51% in capital goods, while a decrease of 14.87% in energy was recorded.
The monthly changes in the two sectors of the industry were calculated as 0.48% increase in mining and quarrying and 0.45% increase in manufacturing.
While the monthly changes of the main industrial groups were 0.39% in intermediate goods, 0.73% in durable goods, 2.29% in non-durable consumption goods, 1.49% in capital goods, energy decreased by 9.07%.
According to the annual YD-PPI, 4 sub-sectors changed lower and 21 sub-sectors showed higher changes.
According to YD-PPI, the only sub-sector that showed a decrease was coke and refined petroleum products with 14.87%. On the other hand, machinery and equipment not classified elsewhere were the sub-sectors where the indexes increased the most, with 50.57%, beverages with 49.89%, and other non-metallic mineral products with 48.93%.
According to the monthly YD-PPI, 5 sub-sectors changed lower and 20 sub-sectors showed higher changes.
On a monthly basis, coke and refined petroleum products were calculated as 9.07%, metal ores by 1.68%, and basic metals by 0.49%, as the sub-sectors where the indices decreased the most. On the other hand, printing and recording services were recorded as the sub-sectors where the indexes increased the most with 4.05%, other manufactured goods with 3.36%, and tobacco products with 3.11%.
Source: AA / Prepared by Irem Yildiz