A regulation titled “Regulation Amending the Regulation on Price Tariffs for Goods and Services Produced by Craftsmen and Craftsmen” prepared by the Turkish Confederation of Craftsmen and Artisans (TESK) has been published in the Official Gazette and has come into effect.
With this regulation, the authority to determine bread prices granted to the Ministry of Trade will also apply to determining simit prices.
Accordingly, when determining the tariffs for simit prices, a commission consisting of representatives from the relevant municipality, provincial directorate of trade, provincial directorate of agriculture and forestry, chamber of commerce and industry, or chamber of commerce, will evaluate the matter. After obtaining the positive opinions of the relevant federation and the Ministry of Trade, the prices will be approved by the Union.
In case the Ministry expresses a negative opinion regarding the proposed tariff, the Union will resubmit the new tariff along with its justifications to the Ministry for reconsideration, and after receiving the Ministry’s opinion, the tariff will be approved.
source: aa.com.tr/ prepared by Melisa Beğiç