Kiler Real Estate Investment Trust (GYO) officially starts the construction of its new project in Halkalı. The project, which will include 352 independent units, will rise on the Privatization Administration land.
After launching the Referans Pendik project last week, Kiler Real Estate Investment Trust (GYO) is officially commencing its Halkalı project. The Kiler GYO Halkalı project is being implemented on Parcel No. 37 in Istanbul Küçükçekmece district, Halkalı-Atakent Neighborhood, 4th Street, 842 Block.
An application was made to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization for the Kiler GYO Halkalı Atakent project, and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process has begun. The project was deemed “Not Subject to EIA.”
The Kiler GYO Halkalı project, with a cost of 340 million 810 thousand TL, will include 223 residences, 88 offices, and 41 commercial units.
The Kiler GYO Halkalı project, which will consist of 352 independent sections, will rise in 4 blocks. A block will contain 70 residences, B block 63 residences, C block 90 residences, D block 54 offices, E block 34 offices, and 41 commercial stores.
The highest building in the Kiler GYO Halkalı project, with a land area of 14,017 square meters, was designed with 3 floors in the basement and 9 floors above ground level. The project, with a design height of 37.5 meters, will include both indoor and outdoor parking and one indoor swimming pool.
COMPLETION IN 18 MONTHS In the Kiler GYO Halkalı project, for which the decision “Not Subject to EIA” was made, the total procurement period from the start of construction to the completion of environmental landscaping is planned as 18 months. The project is scheduled to be completed in June 2025.
It is expected that Kiler GYO Halkalı project will provide employment for approximately 300 people, including subcontractor company employees, during the preparation of the Halkalı land and the construction phase.
Kiler GYO Halkalı project officially commences! A new project with 223 residences is coming to the Privatization Administration land! KILER GYO HALKALI PROJECT LOCATION The Kiler GYO Halkalı project is located 140 meters from Ayhan Arı Borsa Istanbul Vocational High School, 100 meters from Halkalı Football Stadium, and 150 meters from Tema World Entertainment Center, while the closest residence to the project is located 70 meters away.
Kiler GYO Halkalı project officially commences! A new project with 223 residences is coming to the Privatization Administration land!
PURCHASED FOR 390 MILLION Kiler Real Estate Investment Trust (GYO) participated in the sale privatization tender of Parcel No. 37 in Halkalı Neighborhood, Küçükçekmece district of Istanbul, conducted by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Privatization Administration in 2022 and submitted the highest bid within the scope of the tender.
As a result of winning the tender for privatization through sale, a purchase contract was signed in August 2022 for a bid price of 390 million liras.
source: prepared by Melisa Beğiç