Turkiye, marking the last five years with national industrial and technological initiatives, left behind the centennial of the Republic with 7 unicorns and a figure of $241 billion in manufacturing industry exports.
An AA correspondent compiled information from the implementation period report of Turkey’s Industrial and Technological Strategy for 2019-2023, targeting the year 2023.
During this period, Turkey supported the development of products that could replace imported goods through calls opened within the scope of the “technology-focused industrial initiative” to strengthen the country’s capacity in high-tech areas of industry.
While 129 products were supported for localization in 2022, this number decreased to 50 last year. The number of products expected to be supported for localization this year is 60, 70 in 2025, and 80 in 2026.
Roadmaps were also created for digital transformations within the strategy. Roadmaps such as “Connected Life with 5G and Beyond Technologies,” “Digital Transformation of Industry,” and “Digital Transformation in Finance and Trade” were prepared, and roadmaps for “Smart Life and Health Products and Technologies,” “Mobility Vehicles and Technologies,” and “National Artificial Intelligence Strategy” were announced.
Support for 1572 fast-charging stations was provided During the five-year period, the share of the manufacturing industry in gross domestic product (GDP) increased from 18.3% to 22.1%. The sector’s exports reached $241 billion last year, exceeding the $210 billion target for 2030.
The number of Turkey’s unicorns (technology startups with a valuation exceeding $1 billion), also known as “Turcorn,” increased to 7 during this period, and annual investments in technology-based businesses reached $1.5 billion in 2022.
Within the framework of the strategy’s five components, various projects were implemented, covering high technology to digital transformation, human capital to infrastructure.
The most important topics under the “High Technology and Innovation” category included the delivery of TOGG’s first vehicle last year. To strengthen the electrification infrastructure in mobility, support was provided for 1572 fast-charging stations to 20 companies. This made Turkey a leader in charging infrastructure in Europe.
Moreover, within the scope of the “National Space Program,” Turkey’s first manned space mission was successfully carried out, and the “Rare Earth Elements Research Institute” was established, publishing the “Advanced Material Technology Roadmap.”
The number of model factories increased to 8 Under the “Digital Transformation and Industrial Initiative” category, a total of 5 calls were opened with the “Technology-Focused Industrial Initiative Program,” and 182 high-value-added projects were included in the support program.
There were 176 applications for the “Strategic Priority and Technical Evaluation of Investment Projects” application.
The Turkey Digital Transformation Assessment Tool was implemented during this five-year period, and KOSGEB Digital Transformation Support began to be provided last year.
The number of competence and digital transformation centers (model factories) increased to 8.
Critical projects initiated for sustainable industry The “Green Industrial Zone” project, which is critical for sustainable industry, was initiated in 2021, and the “Turkey Green Industry Project” was started in 2023 with financing from the World Bank.
Under the “Human Capital” category, efforts to encourage young people in science and technology resulted in the number of TECHFEST participants increasing from 20,000 in 2018 to over 1 million in 2023. 18,000 students participated in 100 Experience Workshops in 81 provinces.
The “International Talent Transfer Program” was put into operation, allowing exceptions for qualified foreign labor in 112 occupation codes. In 2022, work permits were granted to more than 2,000 doctoral foreigners.
The establishment of the Turkey Open Source Platform enabled the initiation of open-source software projects in public institutions. The number of students in “42 Software Schools” opened in Istanbul and Kocaeli approached 1,000 in 2023.
Technology and Innovation Fund in action Under the “Entrepreneurship” category, the “Technology and Innovation Fund” of 475 million Turkish Liras was established in 2020 to strengthen the ecosystem in this field. This led to investments in 3 funds and 6 initiatives.
The “TURCORN 100 Program” was launched in this field, and the “National Technology Entrepreneurship Strategy 2022-2025” was published. The number of start-ups applying to the Take Off International Venture Summit increased fivefold.
In the “Infrastructure” category, the establishment of the TUBITAK BILGEM Artificial Intelligence Institute, the publication of the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy document, and the creation of the Defense Industry Artificial Intelligence Platform were among Turkey’s prominent steps in artificial intelligence.
Focus on sustainable projects in the energy sector The “Energy Efficiency 2030 Strategy and 2nd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan” focused on projects for sustainability in the energy sector. The number of logistics centers increased to 13 during the 2019-2023 period.
The steps taken opened the door to new projects in national industry and technology initiatives. In the new era named “Turkey Century,” emphasis will be given to projects in these areas to increase medium-high and high-tech production and exports.
source: aa.com.tr/ prepared by Melisa Beğiç