157 companies from the Aegean Region were included in the list of 1000 exporters announced by the Turkish Exporters Assembly. At the TIM Export Award Ceremony, 11 of the 38 awards were given to Aegean companies.
As in previous years, the Aegean Region maintained its second place in the list of 1000 exporters after the Marmara Region in 2020. Izmir ranked second after Istanbul with 80 companies. According to the statement made by the Aegean Exporters’ Association, Vestel Ticaret A.S., while being the company that exports the most in the Aegean Region, entered Turkey’s list from the fourth rank.
While TUPRAS, HABAS and Star Refinery, which have production facilities in Izmir, were at the top of the list, PERGAMON STATUS DIS TIC. A.S became the first among Izmir-based companies with an export of $698 million. PERGAMON STATUS DIS TIC. A.S. has moved up two places in the ranking of Turkey and became the owner of the 17th place. Denizli-based BASAK METAL TIC. VE SAN A.S. brought $389 million foreign currency to Turkey in 2020 and became the first among companies from Denizli. Basak Metal increased its place in Turkey’s list from 38th place to 32nd place. KLC GIDA URUNLERI ITH.IHR.VE TIC.A.S, which is the export champion of the Turkish aquaculture and animal products sector, was registered as the export champion of Mugla with its export of $199 million in 2020. KLC Gida moved up from the 82nd place to the 64th place across Turkey. While the company, which is the export champion in Aydin, did not want its name to be disclosed, JANTSA JANT SANAYI VE TIC. A.S came to the fore with its export of $63 million. While maintaining its mystery as the export champion in Kutahya, NG KUTAHYA SERAMIK PORSELEN TURIZM A.S. became the second company that contributed the most to the city with an export of $49 million. BALTA ORIENT TEKSTIL SAN. VE TIC. A.S, which earned $56 million in foreign currency to Turkey in 2020, succeeded in representing Usak in the top 1000 exporters list. While 6 companies from Balikesir entered the list of top 1000 exporters, BANVIT BANDIRMA VITAMINLI YEM. SAN. A.S. is the leader of companies from Balikesir with its export performance of $84 million.
BATI CIM BATI ANADOLU CIMENTO SAN. A.S. was the fastest rising Aegean company in the TIM 1000 exporter list. The company, which ranked 917th with $23 million of exports in 2019, increased its exports to $54 million in 2020, jumping 592 steps and climbing to 325th place.
Izmir-based TUKAS DIS TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, which was 973th in 2019, rose 438 places in 2020 to 535th place. While TUKAS exported $21.8 million in 2019, it increased to $36.9 million in 2020 with an increase of 69%. EGE SERAMIK SAN. VE TIC. A.S was the third company with the fastest rise from the Aegean Region. Ege Seramik, which was 869th in 2019, became the new owner of its 460th place in 2020 with an increase of 409 steps. The company’s exports increased from $24 million to $42 million. While the Turkish Exporters Assembly presented their awards to the export champions of 2020 at a ceremony attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 11 of the 38 awards went to Aegean exporters.
Vestel Ticaret A.S. ranked 4th in Turkey overall and first in the Electric-Electronics Sector. Zorlu Holding Chairman of the Board Ahmet Nazif Zorlu received Vestel’s award from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. TURKIYE PETROL RAFINERILERI A.S., which realizes a significant part of its exports from its refinery in Izmir Aliaga, ranked 9th in Turkey and 1st in the Chemical sector. The awards of the company were presented to Ali Koc, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Koc Holding, by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In the steel sector, HABAS SINAI VE TIBBI GAZLAR ISTIHSAL ENDUSTRISI A.S., which produces in Aliaga, Izmir, BOSCH TERMOTEKNİK ISITMA VE KLIMA SAN VE TIC A.S. in the air-conditioning sector, FERRERO FINDIK ITHALAT IHRACAT VE TICARET A.S. in the hazelnut sector, entered the champions league.
KLC GIDA URUNLERI ITH VE TIC A.S, which is a regular in the list of Turkey’s export champions, did not leave the export championship to anyone in 2020, as in previous years, in the aquaculture and animal products sector. In the tobacco sector, BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO TUTUN MAMULLERI SANAYI VE TICARET A.S. became the leader in exports in 2020, as it did in 2019. In the fresh fruit and vegetable sector, UCAK KARDESLER GIDA SER.ULUS.NAK.PLAS SAN.VE TIC LTD STI fourfolded its export championships. Having experienced the happiness of being the Turkish champion for the first time in 2017, Ucar Kardesler won the export championship in 2020 after 2018 and 2019. S.S MARMARA ZEYTİN AGRICULTURE SALES COOPERATIVES UNION, a member of the Aegean Olive and Olive Oil Exporters’ Association, became the export champion of the olive and olive oil sector.
Stating that the Aegean Region maintains its strong position in the top 1000 exporters list of the Turkish Exporters’ Assembly, Aegean Exporters’ Associations Coordinator President Jak Eskinazi said, “Our monthly exports from the Aegean Region reached $2.5 billion in 2021. We believe that we will reach an export figure of $30 billion by the end of 2021. Our export champions will make the greatest contribution to this goal.” Expressing that the pandemic has adversely affected the course of trade and that normalization has not yet been achieved in the course of trade, Eskinazi concluded his words as follows: “There have been abnormal increases in raw material and freight prices. Fairs and trips could not be made physically, although physical fairs and travels have started recently, it will take time to return to the old days. Despite all the negativities, sustainability, innovation, R&D, design and digitalization will be our priority areas of work in order to achieve $35 billion of export in 2022. Our efforts to take place in the TIM 1000 Exporters List with more of our companies will continue.”
Source: Sabah / Translated by Irem Yildiz