
New product focused on keyword research and competitive analysis from Textoni: Marketing Wizard

Textoni.AI, a local startup operating in the field of content production with artificial intelligence technology, presented its new product ‘Marketing Wizard’, which allows customized content marketing strategies and content production in various formats.

The local startup Textoni, which made a transformation focused on artificial intelligence and made significant progress in this field in March, released the Marketing Wizard product with a major update on the AI platform. This innovative product enables users to easily perform keyword research and competitive analysis.

Using this data provided by Marketing Wizard, users can identify the most productive content topics. The formats of these contents can also be shaped depending on the user’s request. They can choose any format they want, such as blog post, social media copy, or ad copy. In this way, they have the opportunity to reach the marketing strategies that will provide the highest organic traffic in their sector, without the need to create any brief.

“Marketing Wizard” in 3 Steps

‘Marketing Wizard’, created by Textoni.AI, helps the user step by step. First, it receives critical information from the user such as industry, website and targeted keyword. Based on this information, it offers the user a real-time keyword analysis. This analysis is enriched with data such as CPC costs, estimated volume. After the targeted keywords are selected, it offers title suggestions based on these keywords. The “Marketing Wizard” also enables the creation of fully SEO-friendly and traffic-driven headlines. These titles can also be produced with different variations such as blog post, social media text, and Google Ads text.

.AI + Human Touch

Another important feature of Marketing Wizard is that it enables content to be localized by expert editors by integrating 35,000 content writers on the Textoni platform with artificial intelligence technology. The ‘Human Touch’ model, which is also in the first version of Textoni.AI and is highly appreciated by users, is also updated in the ‘Marketing Wizard’ product. This artificial intelligence-based integration offers users the opportunity to present the most effective information in their industry.

Tufan Kizilirmak, CEO of Textoni, said;

He stated that “Marketing Wizard will make content marketing and SEO strategies more efficient and will significantly ease the workload of users. Kizilirmak said, “Marketing Wizard will help companies reach strategies that will provide the highest organic traffic in their sector. In this way, we will realize a significant transformation in content marketing and SEO.”

Source: Egirisim / Prepared by Irem Yildiz

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