The net foreign exchange deficit of companies other than the financial sector was $82 billion 620 million in January 2024.
According to the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkiye (CBRT) data, foreign exchange assets of companies outside the financial sector decreased by $3 billion 291 million and liabilities by $2 billion 993 million in January compared to the previous month. In this context, the net foreign exchange position deficit increased by $299 million to $82 billion 620 million.
When the asset distribution is examined, deposits in domestic banks decreased by $3 billion 624 million compared to the previous month, while direct capital investments abroad, export receivables and securities increased by $242 million, $73 million and $17 million, respectively.
In the same period, in the liability distribution, cash loans provided from abroad and import debts increased by $1 billion 386 million and $848 million, respectively, compared to the previous month, while domestic cash loans decreased by $249 million.
Looking at the maturity structure of liabilities, cash loans provided from abroad and import debts decreased by $2 billion 23 million and $1 billion 482 million, respectively, in January compared to the previous month, while domestic cash loans increased by $512 million.
Looking at the maturity structure of liabilities, short-term loans provided domestically in January increased by $192 million and long-term loans by $320 million compared to December 2023.
As for loans provided from abroad, short-term loans decreased by $2 billion 100 million and long-term loans decreased by $1 billion 406 million.
In January 2024, short-term assets amounted to $148 billion 533 million and short-term liabilities amounted to $89 billion 165 million.
Short-Term Net Foreign Exchange Position Surplus decreased by $1 billion 626 million in January compared to the previous month, reaching $59 billion 368 million. The share of short-term liabilities in total liabilities was 35%.
Source: AA / Prepared by Irem Yildiz