It was decided that the amount that the markets would pay to the state for each plastic bag to be put on the market would continue as 38.5 kurus. Consumers will continue to pay 25 kurus for the plastic bag fee.
The Presidential Decision regarding the recovery contribution amounts to be taken as of August 1, 2023, in accordance with the Environment Law No. 2872 prepared by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, was published in the Official Gazette.
Accordingly, it was decided that the amount that the markets would pay to the state for each bag to be put on the market would continue as 38.5 kurus. Thus, the amount that consumers would pay for the bag remained constant at 25 kurus.
A regulation was also made in the recovery contribution amount for the packaging of tires, accumulators, batteries, mineral oil, electrical and electronic goods, pharmaceuticals, plastics, glass, metal, wood and composites.
Source: Trthaber / Prepared by Irem Yildiz